AECOsim Building Designer Help

Place Space Legend

Used to generate and place a legend representing each type of space evident in the current state of the active design file and any attached reference files.

Accessed from:

  • AECOsim > Data/Reporting > Data > Schedules > Create Space Legend

(1) Settings in the Title group box control the upper portion of the space legend. (2) Settings in the Body group box control the lower portion of the space legend.

Title Settings are used to define the legend title text style, the legend title text, and the legend title text justification.
  • Text Style - Sets the space legend title text style, as selected from the option menu.
    Note: The text style can be preset by defining the configuration variable BB_SPACELEGEND_TITLESTYLE to the desired text style name.
  • Title text field — Sets the characters that make up the legend title text. If the number of title characters surpasses the width of the legend border, the size of the border expands to accommodate the title text when the Draw Border option is active.
  • Justification — Sets the justification of the legend title text to Left, Center, or Right. If the justification is set to Left, the first character of the legend title justifies with the left edge of the space shape. If the justification is set to Center, the legend title is positioned in the center of the space shape. If the justification is set to Right, the last character of the legend title justifies with the right edge of the space shape.
Body Settings are used to define the space legend body text style, the symbol, the orientation of text, and the order of text and shape placement.
  • Text Style — Sets the legend body title text style, as selected from the option menu.
    Note: The text style can be preset by defining the configuration variable BB_SPACELEGEND_BODYSTYLE to the desired text style name.
  • Symbol Size — Sets the size of the filled shape that is generated for each space type. The default setting is text size multiplied by 3.
  • Orientation — Sets the orientation of text to horizontal or vertical.
  • Order — Sets the placement order of symbol shape and text; the symbol shape is followed by text or text is followed by symbol shape.
Options Settings are used to draw a legend border and to use Annotation Scale.
  • Draw Border — A border is drawn around the space legend when on. The active color, line style, line weight and level is used by default.
  • Annotation Scale Lock — Sets the use of Annotation Scale settings for placement of legend text.
Note: Configuration variable BB_SPACELEGEND_AUTOUPDATE, when defined automatically updates space legends in models when they are opened.
To update a space legend: